воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


SammuellBlizz - 4 years ago. U always add flavour into music……….. Bankizzy - 4 years ago. Love - 1 year ago. I luv dis sele bobo of a guy. Queen - 4 years ago. Honour - 4 years ago. flavour nabania baby oku mp3

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Anonymous - 4 years ago. I want to see comment first. Saleh - 4 years ago.

flavour nabania baby oku mp3

Sele bobo kn go kill me oh d boy two sabi oh beat na u must dance. Nice nd dope song keep ur gud work flavour. Nabwnia kcee - 4 years ago. I must Download this song! U always add flavour into music……….

New Music: Flavour – Baby Oku (Gyration) |

Jide - 4 years ago. Baba badoo - 4 years ago. U always add flavour to music………. Flavour nabania is back with the Gyration version of the popular Baby Oku.

MUSIC: Flavour – Baby Oku (Prod. Selebobo)

Reply Cancel Reply All fields are required! The beating and the music make sense. Flavour u try Bt u suppose change d lyrics, y u no wan liv dis baby oku. Share this post with your Friends on.

flavour nabania baby oku mp3

Chukwumeijem - 4 years ago. We Rep 2nite Enter10nent… Thanks Guys!!

flavour nabania baby oku mp3

May una wida eye dis song no be real d tin no day download. Honour - 4 years ago. NICE Guy - 3 flavoir ago. Is too dupe nd hot oooo. Flavour noting do u my man.

Youngb - 4 years ago. SammuellBlizz - 4 years ago. I like dat flavour.

Benito - 4 years ago. Emeka - 4 years ago.

Most Powerfull

Lil Young - 4 years ago. We work in sllence…!! Nifemi - 4 years ago. Love this song first to download.

MUSIC: Flavour - Baby Oku (Prod. Selebobo) |

NKhwekwe - 4 years ago. Smally - 4 years ago. Flavour dont mind them your track is the best in nigeria thanks for the song and beat you are the final baba.

Cisseyqlothing - 4 years ago. Queen - 4 years ago.

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